Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26th updates

Welcome Back from Spring Break!
Please keep an eye on Blog and OTIS as the next 6 weeks will be crazy!

Tuesday, May 3rd at 8:30
Mother's Day Tea in our classroom

Wednesday, May 4th, 9:00 not 9:30!
 K-Orientation for next year's kids and parents, have your child wear jeans/tennis shoes, we will put on our tie-die t-shirts for the program, next year's students will leave with our class immediately following the program for a visit. So you will not be able to visit us or your child following the program. Some of you may have come to this last spring.

Reminder to help your child work on their animal report that went home a week or two before spring break. Each child had a chosen animal from our categories. Help them to research their animal and fill out the report sheet (large sheet that went home). This report is due on May 18th. Then have them make a project to go with it. This can be: a mask, a puppet, a poster, a model or a costume of their animal. Send this in on May 23rd.

The kindergarten classes will parade through the school hallways to show off their animal project on June 1st at 9:00.

A big thank you for the wonderful books donated to our class from the book fair! Chickadees will enjoy these for years to come.
Another thank you for donations for recent class supplies. Your help is appreciated!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week of April 25th

During spring break please put together a kit of clean,dry, recyclable items that your child can use in the art center the week after spring break. This can be a large ziplock bag or grocery bag that is labeled with your child's name. Inside it put small boxes, styrofoam trays, plastic bottles, magazine pictures of their favorite things, animals, etc. They will use these items during centers on this week. We could use donations of masking and scotch tape and bottles of white glue. Large wiggle eyes and yarn may be useful too.

Tomorrow, April 14th, we will have our scavenger hunt. Parent helpers need to be here at 9:00 to hide the goodies and we hope to start the hunt at 9:30. Come join us if you're free.

Next week is spring break! Enjoy your family time and we'll see you on April 25th!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Healthy Choice Marathon Sheet-Activity

In your child's OTIS is a blue recording sheet that starts on Monday. For 26 days we want the children to make an effort to make 3 healthy choices daily. The challenge is to read for 20 minutes a day, exercise for 20 or more minutes a day and to eat 1 healthy food choice each day. If they do all three each day, please have them color in that day's star on the record sheet. Keep this sheet in their OTIS. We will have a chart outside our room to record their progress on. On Thursday, May 5th is the the Celebration and Health Fair from 5:00-8:00. Bring your family, a picnic supper and lawn chairs to behind the school where we had Noodles and Nonsense last night. Students who participate everyday for 26 days will get a prize.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Coming Soon!

Scavenger hunt on Thursday the 14th at 9:30. Parent helpers need to come hide the things at 9:00. Need all supplies sent in by this Friday, April 8th.

May 4th- 9:00 in the gym Kindergarten Orientation Program
The k-classes are presenting songs about school for our parents and for next year's k-kids and their parents. Please dress your child in blue jeans. We will put their blue tie-die shirts on them. you'll want to get a seat in the gym before 9:00. After the program you'll be dismissed while our class takes some pre-k children back to our room for a visit in a k room. Some of you may have participated in this last year.

We have begun our Animal unit- Born to be Wild. As part of this study, we will be learning various facts about the characteristics of different animals and their animal groups.
Your child will bring home the name of an animal from a specific animal group. Help them to follow these directions:j
1. Please help your child learn about this animal by reading an appropriately leveled nonfiction book to them. JYJ and public library has many resources.
2. Your child should draw a picture of the chosen animal on the large project sheet that will be sent home. Fill in the animal name and group it comes from (mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, insect, fish). We want the child to do the writing. We are not looking to have them spell every word correctly, but rather that they have worked to record dominant sounds in words. They are also to draw and label a picture of their animal. This fact sheet is due on May 18th.
3.Choose one activity from the projects listed below. Assist your child in creating this project to represent their chosen animal.
  • puppet
  • mask                           
  • poster
  • costume
  • model
Please bring this activity to school by May 23rd
We will be having an animal parade through the hallways of school at 9:00 on June 1st. You'll want to find a place along the hallway near the foyer/library area.
Remember that this is your child's project. It is a great opportunity to work with them through the planning and creation stages.

Coming home soon