Only one more day EOG testing with Jenn being used to help proctor. I appreciate all the parent help during this time! It's been hard on the kids having so many days with routine changes. We are also working on our end of year assessments.
Animal project reports are due tomorrow. This is the large paper that was sent home a couple of weeks before spring break. Your child is to draw their animal and write several facts about it. Their project is due next Wed. May 25th. This can be a poster, puppet, model, mask or costume. Your child will carry/wear this for our animal parade on June 1st at 9:00. To see the parade, find a spot along the hallway near foyer to watch the k classes come through.
June 3rd- 8:30-10:30
Kids need to wear shorts, tennis shoes, hat and sunscreen. We will put on their blue tie-die shirts when they get to school. We need parent volunteers to take small groups to each station. Need a parent to bring a cooler on wheels with 30+ small bottles of water and ice. Need 24 popsicles for afternoon cool down.
Beach Day June 8th
Beach day centers from 8:45-11:00 (volunteers 8:30- 11:15)
Class Picnic-“Lunch in a Bucket” 11:30-12:00
Chickadee Stepping Stone Project 12:00-12:30
I need a parent volunteer to organize the lunch and a parent volunteer to organize the gathering of materials for the stepping stone and set up of the project. Sign up sheets will be on the blog.
June 10th- Last Day of Kindergarten
We will celebrate with an ice cream party at 12:30. Need a parent to organize the gathering of ice cream, toppings, paper goods and cookies. Sign up on blog.