Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kindergarten Orientation program and other things

Kindergarten Orientation Program
Wednesday, May 9th
9:00am in the gym
come watch us sing to next year's
kindergarten kids and their parents
dress your child in jeans and tennis shoes
will put on their tie-die shirts when they get to school

Chickadee End of year project
Stepping Stones
Tentative date: May 25th
need the following materials donated: small seashells, colored glass pebbles, different colors of ceramic small shapes, 24 disposable aluminum cake pans
please let Janet Tedder know if you plan on helping donating supplies or organizing them into individual student packs or helping with setup/cleanup on May 25th

Field Day, Friday June 1st
first thing in the morning, usually 8:30- about 10:00/10:15
we'll need lots of help chaperoning kids

Kindergarten Beach Day and Pizza Lunch
Our class will be participating on Wednesday, June 6th
3 classes on Tuesday, 3 classes on Wednesday
We'll need donations of supplies for this great day of outdoor centers. You'll get a list soon.
Kids Eating Ice Cream
Last Day of kindergarten
June 7th
Chickadee ice cream sundae party!
watch for list of needed supplies

Mother's Day tea

Mother's Day Tea
Chickadee moms are invited
to our classroom
Monday, May 7th, 8;30am
we want to celebrate
how special you are! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16th

Kindergarten Orientation Program
This year's classes perform for next years kids and parents
Parents are invited
May 9th at 9:00 in the gym
Note this is a date change!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11th

Noodles and Nonsense

bring your family to have pasta dinner
and watch the teachers perform
a "nonsense" show
dinner- 5:00-6:30, tickets in lobby, food in cafeteria
$4 if prepaid, $6 at door/$25 max per family

show starts at 6:30-8:00 under the overhang next to carpool behind the school

It's time for 3rd quarter parent conferences
please check the signup doc to sign up