Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sept 27th

 Please try signing in on Volunteer Calendar now. Hopefully the problem as been fixed! So sorry for the difficulties.

The Relatives Came
A big thank you to all our relatives who surprised us on Friday. What a great turnout despite the downpour! We appreciate your support and your kids love you!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sept. 22nd

Pumpkin Farm trip on October 18th to Ganyard Hill Farms
Cost is $16.00, please pay online at if possible

Otherwise send in exact cash or checks written to "Joyner Elementary"

Each classroom may only take 3 chaperones, let me know immediately if you have been approved as a chaperoning volunteer and parents will need to pay $10 at the gate. I'll take the first 3 approved parents. Parents cannot ride the bus. You'll need to drive or carpool together. We will leave Joyner at 9:30 sharp and depart the farm at 1:00 sharp. I need chaperones who can stay the entire time, you will have a small group to keep up with.

Every child and chaperone needs to bring a lunch/drink in a disposable lunch bag. Labeled with name. Not a lunchbox. Please send a lunch that does not need to be kept cold.

Cost of the trip includes: crop mazes, corn crib, observation bee hive, hayride tour, pumpkin patch (pick a pumpkin to take back to school- we have activities will do the next day with them). Parent chaperones get one too, if you'll donate these to the class we'll have them as backups if someones pumpkin breaks, turns bad, etc.

Dress your child in jeans, tennis shoes and we'll wear our tie-die shirts.

I need a volunteer to tie die our t-shirts blue. I can send the shirts to you on Monday. Or maybe can send home tomorrow after "The Relatives Came" which is at 12:30

Help Heal Hait
Last year our school sent a team of teachers and many supplies to Haiti. There were photos on the  Joyner website. The team found that help was desperately needed and still is.  We were told of another orphanage that needs a lot of help. Each grade level will be collecting different items that will be taken to Haiti.
Kindergarten will be putting together health kits. We need donations of full sized: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, wash cloths, brushes/combs. Please help. Our plan is to send two teams in June this year.

So far we've covered:
shapes: circle, square, triangle
colors: red, blue, yellow
sight words: I, like
days of  the week
patterns- AB, AAB, ABB
Concepts of Print:
          front and back covers,
          print is what you read,
          where you start to read on the page,
          taking a picture walk before you read the book
                a book has characters
          a book has events that happened
reading and writing our names
What is and how do you show respect
Identifying letter names
What is a capital and lower case letter
graphing how many girls/boys in our class
our families

Next Week
letter sounds of m/s
how to model a number 1-10
starfall.com (alphabet letter sounds/words)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sept 19th

  • OTIS notebooks- check everyday and put back in book bag, it's important that these go home/come back daily, initial behavior calendar
  • Scholastic book orders- are due on Friday, Sept 23rd, send exact change or checks written to "Scholastic Book club"
  • "Relatives Came"- Shhh it's a secret, our relatives can surprise us at school on Friday, come to school after 12:00, so we can come down the hall from recess, check in at the office, wait quietly outside our closed classroom door until 12:30, I will pretend to hear a noise and discover our "relatives" in the hallway, bring several children's books and a store bought snack to share, Can someone volunteer to bring 22 juice boxes and plates- 50 ?
  • Be working on homework that went home in OTIS- "Look I can read" and personality trains

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sept 16th

A big thank you to all our parents who came to Open House last night. We were only missing 5 student's families.

I am adding the names of people who signed up to help volunteer at centers 9:15-10:15. You will need to sign in at the office first and get to our room about 9:10 and it would be great if you could help clean up center supplies and wash tables down as we go to the carpet for read aloud time and get ready for lunch. If I put you down on the wrong day or if you'd like to volunteer, just add your name to the volunteer calendar on the right side of the blog.

Scholastic Book Clubs             Book club orders are due on Friday, Sept 23rd. Please send the completed order form and exact change or a check written to "scholastic book club". If you are ordering something from our wish list for the classroom, please indicate so on the order form.
wish list:
Firefly: #64 Splat the Cat book
             #30 Huggapotamus
             #10 Big Scary Monster
              #61 Sept Bk and CD set
              #40 Leaves on trees
See Saw #66 Bk and CD set
               #54 Pirates go to school
               #52 Peanut butter homework sandwiches
                #31 If you give a cat a cupcake

Have a great weekend! Suzan Drake

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our names are special, Sept 13th

Today we read two books about names: "My name is Johari" and "Chrysanthemum". We talked about how each person's name is special and we counted and made a class book "How many letters are in your name?". Please share with your child why you chose their name for them. Were they named after someone? Does their name have a special meaning? We will share this tomorrow.

Sept 13th

Friday, Sept 16th is Early Release
School will be dismissing early. Staff will have training all afternoon. It will be very important that students are picked up on time and that bus riders have parents waiting at the stops.
Dismissal will be at 12:30.

This week's curriculum
The color Blue- wear blue on Friday, Zoe's mom is sending blue snack
Sight word- I
Number 2- numeral, number word, modeling #2
Shape- square, what are the attributes of
class graphs- do we have more boys/girls, how many letters are in your name, what color eyes do you have

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept 12th SHH!! It's a Surprise!

See full size image

Attention Parents!

Shhh!! This is a secret!

We would like to invite you to a special reading treat for you and your child on Fri,Sept 23rd at 12:30 (will need to sign in at the office and be quietly outside our room at 12:30).
We will be sharing a book in class called The Relatives Came and we are hoping all our parents and grandparents will come to surprise the children and read a favorite book with them. 
Please bring a towel, blanket, or quilt and your favorite children’s stories.  We want this to be a surprise, so please try to stay out of the Kindergarten Hall prior to 12:00 as we will be making our way back from lunch & recess.  After 12:30pm, please wait in the hall outside our room until we announce your presence.  This would be a GREAT time for you to meet some of the other parents in our room as well!  Please bring cookies to share with the students and other parents. We also need someone to bring juice boxes. We can’t wait to see you!!

Mrs. Drake & Mrs. Depo

Don’t forget…it’s a surprise, so don’t tell your child!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept. 9th

Open House

Open house date/time has changed. It will be on Thursday, Sept15th. It will be from 6:00-7:30. It will start in the gym at 6:00 for a PTA meeting. Then at 6:30 you will come to our classroom to here lots of information about the kindergarten program.

This is a very important meeting and will not be fun for children. We are asking for the children to stay home with a sitter or have one parent attend and the other stay home with the kids. This will allow us to cover a lot of information in the short time allowed. There will be a second session you can attend for siblings. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday

Birthday Celebrations or Color Snacks
Please be aware that Wake County does not allow homemade food to be brought in to serve students. You will need to bring in store bought food. Thanks for your help! Thanks to Lily's family for our red apples and strawberries today.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sept 7th

                                  Let's Find Out                                                                    Kindergarten is excited to be ordering Scholastic's "Let's Find Out" weekly learning magazine for our students this year. These magazines include weekly thematic unit issues with emphasis on science and social studies. There will be a rebus reader edition that goes with the unit of study. Our classroom will also get a digital version for our promethean board which will allow us to study the topics as a whole group and have access to sorting/classifying games and videos. The cost per student is $5.50. Please send exact cash in an envelope with your child's name on it or a check written to Scholastic. We may need sponsors for some children.

Color of the Week
Each week we will be studying a color. This week it is the color red. On Friday we'd like all kindergarteners to wear red. We have a parent who is providing a red snack for us.
here's our color schedule and snack sign up, on these dates the students will wear the indicated colors and the snack helper will provide a healthy snack in that color, enough for 22 students, please include plates, napkins and utensils if needed
Red- Sept 9th Kim Collins
Blue- Sept 16th Roberta Fox
Yellow- Sept 23rd Jessie Lassiter
Green- Sept 29th Julie Volstad
Orange- Oct 7th Lea Hidalgo
Purple- Oct 14th Janet Tedder
Brown - Oct 21st Rony Alvarez
Black- Oct 28th Greyson Tart
Pink- Nov 4th Fatima Dockery
White- Nov 10th Clare Dorn
Rainbow- Nov 18th Pam Howard

This week we learned to spell the words red and one with songs. We talked about the characteristics of a circle. We're sharing our "Me Bags" and working on writing two books: "Soy Yo" and "I think I can in Kindergarten". We are doing activities with our names and counting objects to match a given number.
Wake County Schools is encouraging families to provide healthy snack to celebrate birthdays. If you'd like to bring a snack for your child's birthday, you may bring it to the cafeteria at 10:45 to serve during our lunch time. Options may include: fruit, mini cupcake or simple cookie, gogurt or fruit snacks.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Chickadee Class of 2011-2012!

Our class is off to a terrific start!  We are learning our daily routines and how our schedule and classroom works.  As soon as every child has brought in their 2" binder that has a clear sleeve cover and inside cover pockets we will be preparing an OTIS (Only The Important Stuff) notebook for each child. This binder will be going home and returning to school daily.  It will have our daily schedule and a collection of resources in page protectors that will come in handy throughout the year. Our behavior system will be explained with a monthly calendar that you will need to intial daily. I will be showing and explaining this notebook at our Open House on Sept 13th at 6:30

                                                                 Me Bags
Hopefully everyone received our note in your child's bookbag on Friday about the Me Bags.  Our first IB unit of study is called "Free to be You and Me".  To introduce ourselves we are asking each child to create a "Me Bag". It is a paper bag that can be decorated with photos, magazine pictures or drawings of things that have meaning to your child. Inside the bag help your child select 4-5 things that tell us something about who your child is. What are some of their favorite activities. We will be sharing these bags with each other this week. 

Your child is working on a "Me Book" that JYJ Jag group will be publishing later this year. After the book is sent home for your family to enjoy, it will be available to checkout from the library.

We are doing many activities with our names to help learn each others names.

All year we will be collecting box tops for education labels to help earn money for our school. Watch for these on food packaging, clip them out and send in weekly or monthly.

September 13th,6:30 pm,  is our Open House Night. It will start in the gym with a PTA meeting. Then you will be dismissed to come to our classroom.  This is my opportunity to share with you about kindergarten: how our classroom works, fieldtrips, curriculum and volunteer opportunities. If possible, please get a babysitter or have one parent attend while the other stays home with the kids. There is so much information to share with you. There are two sessions this night so you can attend a siblings class next.
At open house you will have the opportunity to sign up to volunteer in various roles.  Each parent needs to complete the Wake County volunteer registration in order to volunteer. Please stop  by the school office as soon as possible if you have not done this yet. It has to be done from a computer at school.

                                 Enjoy some first week photos!