Kindergarten is excited to be ordering Scholastic's "Let's Find Out" weekly learning magazine for our students this year. These magazines include weekly thematic unit issues with emphasis on science and social studies. There will be a rebus reader edition that goes with the unit of study. Our classroom will also get a digital version for our promethean board which will allow us to study the topics as a whole group and have access to sorting/classifying games and videos. The cost per student is $5.50. Please send exact cash in an envelope with your child's name on it or a check written to Scholastic. We may need sponsors for some children.
Color of the Week
Each week we will be studying a color. This week it is the color red. On Friday we'd like all kindergarteners to wear red. We have a parent who is providing a red snack for us.
here's our color schedule and snack sign up, on these dates the students will wear the indicated colors and the snack helper will provide a healthy snack in that color, enough for 22 students, please include plates, napkins and utensils if needed
Red- Sept 9th Kim Collins
Blue- Sept 16th Roberta Fox
Yellow- Sept 23rd Jessie Lassiter
Green- Sept 29th Julie Volstad
Orange- Oct 7th Lea Hidalgo
Purple- Oct 14th Janet Tedder
Brown - Oct 21st Rony Alvarez
Black- Oct 28th Greyson Tart
Pink- Nov 4th Fatima Dockery
White- Nov 10th Clare Dorn
Rainbow- Nov 18th Pam Howard
This week we learned to spell the words red and one with songs. We talked about the characteristics of a circle. We're sharing our "Me Bags" and working on writing two books: "Soy Yo" and "I think I can in Kindergarten". We are doing activities with our names and counting objects to match a given number.
Wake County Schools is encouraging families to provide healthy snack to celebrate birthdays. If you'd like to bring a snack for your child's birthday, you may bring it to the cafeteria at 10:45 to serve during our lunch time. Options may include: fruit, mini cupcake or simple cookie, gogurt or fruit snacks.
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