Science Go Round
A big thank you to Kelly Miller for planning and conducting a science go round program for kindergarteners on healthy eating! The children learned about the food pyramid, food groups and making healthy choices. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave of their time to help Kelly. In addition to learning about healthy eating, the kindergarten classes: learned about dinosaurs, saw real animals and learned about aeronautics.
Weather Wizards Photos
We are currently finishing up our IB unit "Change, Change, Change" and have learned a lot about weather. Next week we will complete a one week weather journal. If anyone has a large, inexpensive, outdoor thermometer that I can tape to the outside of our window, please send it on Monday.
This week we learned about the first president and our current president. We worked on the letter sounds: ch and wh. Last week we worked on sh and th. In math, we worked on identifying numbers to 30, comparing equal/more/less using numbers, sets, tally marks and ten frames. We are also learning to "fair share" which is being able to divide a set of items equally between two people or more. At the writing center the children completed a book called "Have" that works on number words and writing sentences. Using the poems "Mix In" and "Can you guess" the children worked on the sight words in and what. In readers workshop we learned that good readers get their mind ready to read by first reading the title and examining the cover to think about the book before starting to read. We also worked on naming the important characters and events in a story.
During the month of March we will study our next IB unit "Rhyme Time". Our "Rhyme Time" unit is a study of authors and how we can express ourselves through writing, art, puppetry and drama.
We will study a new author each week. The first week (Feb. 28th-March 4th) we will study Dr. Seuss. Monday we will read "Green Eggs and Ham". Everyone needs to wear green. Tuesday wear crazy/mismatched socks because we're reading "Fox in Socks". Wednesday wear something to school that shows us who you are, what you like or something you like to do. We will read "The Sneetches". On Thursday bring 1 baby picture to share with your classmates. We will read "Horton Hatches the Egg". On Friday wear a hat. We will read "The Cat in the Hat". All week we will work with rhyming words, creating our own characters and stories.
During the second week of March we will study the author Eric Carle. The third week we will study the author Laura Numeroff who wrote all the If you give a ___ a ___ books. Then during the last week we will study the author Doreen Cronin who wrote "Click Clack Moo" and other fun stories.
Next week (Feb. 28th-March 4th) if you have any Dr. Seuss books, games or stuffed characters, please share with us. Be sure to label items sent with your child's name. We will also do a green food tasting activity on Monday afternoon. For this activity we will need 24 slices or pieces of green food for the kids to taste and graph. I will put a sign up list on the blog tomorrow.
It has been exciting seeing how much the children are growing in their reading and writing skills since the holidays. Thank you for all your help with homework and volunteering in the classroom. Your help makes a huge difference!
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