Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reader's Workshop

Our class has added reader's workshop to our routine. Each child has their own reading box and periodically they get to go shopping to fill their box with books.  They get to choose 3 "just right" books and 3 free choice books from: nonfiction, picture books, math books or current topic books.  Their box may also have some poems or books we have worked on in centers.
During reader's workshop the children may read independently or back to back with a partner. They may "buddy" read sitting knees to knees as they take turns reading to each other. Sometimes we will partner read where each child helps hold and read the same book to each other.
The kids love to go book shopping!  They are learning many strategies that "good readers" use to decode words and understand what they are reading.  One thing they can do even with a free choice book which is usually above their level, is to look for "snap" words. Snap words are words you can instantly read without sounding them out or using the picture for clues. These are sight words or frequently  seen words.
This morning we worked in our journals to see how many "snap" words we could write and spell correctly. It's amazing how many words they know!
Here are some photos from today.

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